Peer-reviewed publications
(12) Vahsen ML, Maxwell TM, Blumenthal DM, Gamba D, Germino MJ, Hooten MB, Lasky JR, Leger EA, Pirtel N, Porensky LM, Romero S, Van Ee J, Copeland SM, Ensing DJ & Adler PA. Phenological sensitivity of Bromus tectorum genotypes depends on current and source environments. In press at Ecology.
(11) Cocciardi JM, Hoffman AM, Alvarado-Serrano DF, Anderson J, Blumstein M, Boehm E, Bolin LG, Borokini IT, Bradburd D, Branch HA, Brudvig LA, Chen Y, Collins SL, Des Marais DL, Gamba D, Hanan NP, Howard MM, Jaros J, Juenger TE, Kooyers NJ, Kottler EJ, Lau JA, Menon M, Moeller DA, Mozdzer T, Sheth S, Smith M, Toll K, Ungerer MC, Vahsen ML, Wadgymar SM, Waananen A, Whitney KD & Avolio ML (2024). The value of long-term ecological research for evolutionary insights. Nature Ecology & Evolution 8:1584–1592.
(10) Vahsen ML, Todd-Brown KEO, Hicks J, Pilyugin SS, Morris JT & Holmquist JR (2024). The Cohort Marsh Equilibrium Model (CMEM): History, mathematics, and implementation. JGR: Biogeosciences 129: e2023JG007823.
(9) Holmquist JR, Klinges DH, Lonneman M, Wolfe J, Boyd B, Eagle M, Sanderman J, Todd-Brown K, Belshe EF, Chapman S, Corstanje R, Janousek C, Morris JT, Noe G, Rovai A, Spivak A, Vahsen ML, Windham-Myers L, Kroeger K & Megonigal JP (2024). The Coastal Carbon Library and Atlas: Open source soil data and tools supporting blue carbon research and policy. Global Change Biology 30: 17098.
(8) Vahsen ML, Kleiner HS, Kodak H, Summers JL, Vahsen WL, Blum MJ, Megonigal JP & McLachlan JS (2023). Complex eco-evolutionary responses of a foundational coastal marsh plant to global change. New Phytologist 240: 2121-2136.
(7) Vahsen ML, Blum MJ, Megonigal JP, Emrich SJ, Holmquist JR, Stiller B, Todd-Brown KEO & McLachlan JS (2023). Rapid evolution of plant traits can alter coastal wetland resilience to global change. Science 379: 393-398.
(6) Vahsen ML, Gentile RM, Summers JL, Kleiner HS, Foster B, McCormack R, James E, Metts D, Saunders CJ, Megonigal JP, Blum MJ & McLachlan JS (2021). Accounting for variability when resurrecting dormant propagules substantiates their use in eco-evolutionary studies. Evolutionary Applications 14(12): 2831-2847.
(5) Endriss SB*, Vahsen ML*, Bitume EV, Monroe JG, Turner KG, Norton AP, Hufbauer RA (2019). The importance of growing up: juvenile environment influences dispersal of individuals and their neighbours. Ecology Letters 22(1): 45-55.
* co-first authors
(4) Woodward BD, Evangelista PH, Young NE, Vorster AG, West AM, Carroll SL, Girma RK, Hatcher EZ, Anderson R, Vahsen ML, Vashisht A, Mayer T, Carver D, Jarnevich (2018). CO-RIP: A riparian vegetation and corridor extent dataset for Colorado River streams and rivers. Int J Geo-Inf 7(10): 397-415.
(3) Monroe JG, Markman DW, Beck WS, Felton AJ, Vahsen ML, Pressler Y (2018). Ecoevolutionary dynamics of carbon cycling in the Anthropocene. Trends Ecol Evol 33(3): 213-225.
(2) Vahsen ML, Shea K, Hovis CL, Teller BJ & Hufbauer RA (2018). Prior adaptation, diversity, introduction frequency mediate the positive relationship between propagule pressure and the initial success of founding populations. Biol Invasions 20(9): 2451-2459.
(1) Szucs M*, Vahsen ML*, Melbourne BA, Weiss-Lehman C & Hufbauer RA (2017). Rapid adaptive evolution in novel environments acts as an architect of population range expansion. PNAS 114(51): 13501-13506.
* co-first authors
Manuscripts in review/ in revision (as of December 2024)
Chang CC, Ladouceur E & Vahsen ML. Integrating evolutionary and ecological feedbacks to understand plant succession in disturbed environments. In revision for at New Phytologist.
Van Ee JJ, Gamba D, Lasky JR, Vahsen ML & Hooten MB. Spatial knockoff Bayesian variable selection in genome-wide association studies. In review at Bayesian Analysis. Preprint.
Gamba D, Vahsen ML, and 57 others. Local adaptation to climate facilitates a global invasion. In review at Nature Communications. Preprint.
Other publications
McDonough CM, Barak R, Bayer S, Bletz M, Brunson M, Dudney J, Gaoue O, Gill J, Harris A, Knuebbing S, McGill B, Nocco M, Tonietto R, Vahsen ML, Waring E (2020). Plant Love Stories: Share your story and grow a movement. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 101(2): e01663.
Carroll S, Butler K, Hilte A, Vahsen M, West A, Woodward B, Evangelista P (2017). Mapping Quaking Aspen in the Laramie Mountain Range, Wyoming. IEEE Earthzine.
Software development
Holmquist JR, Todd-Brown KEO, Morris JT, Vahsen ML & Hicks J. rCMEM: R package for the Cohort Marsh Equilibrium Model (CMEM). doi:10.5281/zenodo.6629447
(12) Vahsen ML, Maxwell TM, Blumenthal DM, Gamba D, Germino MJ, Hooten MB, Lasky JR, Leger EA, Pirtel N, Porensky LM, Romero S, Van Ee J, Copeland SM, Ensing DJ & Adler PA. Phenological sensitivity of Bromus tectorum genotypes depends on current and source environments. In press at Ecology.
(11) Cocciardi JM, Hoffman AM, Alvarado-Serrano DF, Anderson J, Blumstein M, Boehm E, Bolin LG, Borokini IT, Bradburd D, Branch HA, Brudvig LA, Chen Y, Collins SL, Des Marais DL, Gamba D, Hanan NP, Howard MM, Jaros J, Juenger TE, Kooyers NJ, Kottler EJ, Lau JA, Menon M, Moeller DA, Mozdzer T, Sheth S, Smith M, Toll K, Ungerer MC, Vahsen ML, Wadgymar SM, Waananen A, Whitney KD & Avolio ML (2024). The value of long-term ecological research for evolutionary insights. Nature Ecology & Evolution 8:1584–1592.
(10) Vahsen ML, Todd-Brown KEO, Hicks J, Pilyugin SS, Morris JT & Holmquist JR (2024). The Cohort Marsh Equilibrium Model (CMEM): History, mathematics, and implementation. JGR: Biogeosciences 129: e2023JG007823.
(9) Holmquist JR, Klinges DH, Lonneman M, Wolfe J, Boyd B, Eagle M, Sanderman J, Todd-Brown K, Belshe EF, Chapman S, Corstanje R, Janousek C, Morris JT, Noe G, Rovai A, Spivak A, Vahsen ML, Windham-Myers L, Kroeger K & Megonigal JP (2024). The Coastal Carbon Library and Atlas: Open source soil data and tools supporting blue carbon research and policy. Global Change Biology 30: 17098.
(8) Vahsen ML, Kleiner HS, Kodak H, Summers JL, Vahsen WL, Blum MJ, Megonigal JP & McLachlan JS (2023). Complex eco-evolutionary responses of a foundational coastal marsh plant to global change. New Phytologist 240: 2121-2136.
(7) Vahsen ML, Blum MJ, Megonigal JP, Emrich SJ, Holmquist JR, Stiller B, Todd-Brown KEO & McLachlan JS (2023). Rapid evolution of plant traits can alter coastal wetland resilience to global change. Science 379: 393-398.
- Winner of ESA's George Mercer Award (2024)
- Press release from University of Notre Dame
- Feature in Nature Ecology & Evolution
- Featured on Utah Public Radio
(6) Vahsen ML, Gentile RM, Summers JL, Kleiner HS, Foster B, McCormack R, James E, Metts D, Saunders CJ, Megonigal JP, Blum MJ & McLachlan JS (2021). Accounting for variability when resurrecting dormant propagules substantiates their use in eco-evolutionary studies. Evolutionary Applications 14(12): 2831-2847.
(5) Endriss SB*, Vahsen ML*, Bitume EV, Monroe JG, Turner KG, Norton AP, Hufbauer RA (2019). The importance of growing up: juvenile environment influences dispersal of individuals and their neighbours. Ecology Letters 22(1): 45-55.
* co-first authors
(4) Woodward BD, Evangelista PH, Young NE, Vorster AG, West AM, Carroll SL, Girma RK, Hatcher EZ, Anderson R, Vahsen ML, Vashisht A, Mayer T, Carver D, Jarnevich (2018). CO-RIP: A riparian vegetation and corridor extent dataset for Colorado River streams and rivers. Int J Geo-Inf 7(10): 397-415.
(3) Monroe JG, Markman DW, Beck WS, Felton AJ, Vahsen ML, Pressler Y (2018). Ecoevolutionary dynamics of carbon cycling in the Anthropocene. Trends Ecol Evol 33(3): 213-225.
- Press release from Colorado State University
(2) Vahsen ML, Shea K, Hovis CL, Teller BJ & Hufbauer RA (2018). Prior adaptation, diversity, introduction frequency mediate the positive relationship between propagule pressure and the initial success of founding populations. Biol Invasions 20(9): 2451-2459.
(1) Szucs M*, Vahsen ML*, Melbourne BA, Weiss-Lehman C & Hufbauer RA (2017). Rapid adaptive evolution in novel environments acts as an architect of population range expansion. PNAS 114(51): 13501-13506.
* co-first authors
- Press release from Colorado State University
Manuscripts in review/ in revision (as of December 2024)
Chang CC, Ladouceur E & Vahsen ML. Integrating evolutionary and ecological feedbacks to understand plant succession in disturbed environments. In revision for at New Phytologist.
Van Ee JJ, Gamba D, Lasky JR, Vahsen ML & Hooten MB. Spatial knockoff Bayesian variable selection in genome-wide association studies. In review at Bayesian Analysis. Preprint.
Gamba D, Vahsen ML, and 57 others. Local adaptation to climate facilitates a global invasion. In review at Nature Communications. Preprint.
Other publications
McDonough CM, Barak R, Bayer S, Bletz M, Brunson M, Dudney J, Gaoue O, Gill J, Harris A, Knuebbing S, McGill B, Nocco M, Tonietto R, Vahsen ML, Waring E (2020). Plant Love Stories: Share your story and grow a movement. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 101(2): e01663.
Carroll S, Butler K, Hilte A, Vahsen M, West A, Woodward B, Evangelista P (2017). Mapping Quaking Aspen in the Laramie Mountain Range, Wyoming. IEEE Earthzine.
Software development
Holmquist JR, Todd-Brown KEO, Morris JT, Vahsen ML & Hicks J. rCMEM: R package for the Cohort Marsh Equilibrium Model (CMEM). doi:10.5281/zenodo.6629447